wintershorts V
Fr. 18. & Sa. 19. November
Freier Eintritt / Free Admission
mit / with:
Studio Matsune / The Institute of Sleepless Nights
Anne Juren & Roland Rauschmeier (WTKB)
Bears in the Park
Tanz Company Gervasi
Liquid Loft
ein Rundgang durch Ateliers und Studios benachbarter Performance-Künstler*innen im 10. Bezirk mit Einblicken in aktuelle Probenprozesse und einem frei zugänglichem Performance-Programm.
a tour around ateliers and studios of Vienna’s performance artists in the 10th district with insights into rehearsal processes and a diverse performance program. Free Admission!
Fr. 18. November
19:30 Tanz Company Gervasi
Solos by: Fabian Tobias Huster („Untitled“), Paula Dominci („Fragmente“)
20:30 Liquid Loft
Open Studio Performance by Liquid Loft: Luke Baio, Andreas Berger, Hannah Timbrell, Dong Uk Kim, Katharina Meves, Dante Murillo
Raum 33 / Tanzcompany Gervasi
Living Room / Liquid Loft
Laxenburgerstrasse 28-30, 1100
Sa. 19. November
Studio Matsune / The Institute of Sleepless Nights
„How did you sleep last night?“ with Bianca Baldi, Thomas Geiger, Michikazu Matsune, Andreas Mittermayr, Astrid Seme, Pieternel Vermoortel, Marie Vermont & the concept horse www.instituteofsleeplessnights.org
Anne Juren, Roland Rauschmeier (WTKB)
Open Studio
17:00 – 19:00
Bears in the Park
„7 Ways to Prove that You are Conscious“ by Fabian Faltin & Hyperskills; „loop“ by Flora Boros
19:30 Tanz Company Gervasi
Solos by: Fabian Tobias Huster („Untitled“), Paula Dominci („Fragmente“)
20:30 Liquid Loft
Open Studio Performance by Liquid Loft: Luke Baio, Andreas Berger, Hannah Timbrell, Dong Uk Kim, Katharina Meves, Dante Murillo
Studio Matsune
Studio Anne Juren Roland Rauschmeier (WTKB)
Pernerstorfergasse 5 , 1100 (3. und 4. Stock / 3rd and 4th floor)
Bears in the Park
Kempelengasse 1, Bauteil 1, EG, 1100
Raum 33 / Tanzcompany Gervasi
Living Room / Liquid Loft
Laxenburgerstrasse 28-30, 1100
Salon Gudrun
Salon Gudrun