FEVER oder die vertreibung von jugendlichen
living room product VI
“FEVER or the displacement of youngsters”
A choreographiesque entomology
Carmen Stephan / performing author
Tex Rubinowitz / athlete-dancer
Fritz Ostermayer / war-mongering musician
But all will be well in the end with:
Katharina Seidler / humming buzzing DJ
Mosquito / stands for malaria, lingering illness, death
The Mosquito / stands for sonic waves as a weapon against youngsters
La danse mosquito / stands for a rather obscure Tarantella-Marathon
The areas for game play and conflict in choreography and text/dramaturgy have been set. The markings of the corners are made up of transmitters of disease, politics of sound and the grotesque body. The players: a death and a maiden, a sonic warlord and a human fly.
The overwhelming reading of Carmen Stephan’s novel “Mal Aria”, the story of the sickness and death of a young woman who has contracted the swamp fever – told from the viewpoint of the death-bringing female mosquito (with the male being, for a change, harmless) – serves as the booster of ignition. Spun further by association following the taking of the name by the British company Compound Security Systems, who, in 2005, introduced the supersonic-noise emitter “The Mosquito” which aims at dissipating “loitering” youngsters from public places by means of sonic sound waves in the upper frequency ranges (17 and 18,5 kHz).
These two narratives are thwarted by the marathon runner Tex Rubinowitz who, disguised as a fly, repeatedly took part in the most intoxicated race of the world: the Marathon du Médoc which is held in the small town of Pauillac in the south of France. This should make for an existentialist and heavily armed fever dream as well as for a St. Vitus’dance camouflaged as armament race and vice versa.
living room products
In the Living Room Products, choreography not only leaves the usual theatre setting, but also the spaces society generally assigns to artistic practice. The Living Room Products are an experiment in new ways of working and were initiated to foster the development of new ideas and concepts. Artist of all different genres meet with the audience in a private living room atmosphere in the former Gudrunkino, now Liquid Loft’s rehearsal studio.